Anne's first children's book, Shy Mama's Halloween tells the story of a Russian immigrant family's first experience of Halloween in the United States, their adopted country. Although most North American children take for granted wearing costumes and going from house to house trick-or-treating, Anya, Irina, Dasha, and Dimitrii have never known the magic of Halloween. For their mother, who is uncomfortable with America, this holiday becomes a courageous step into a new world. The oldest daughter, Anya says, "Here, in the darkness, surrounded by what seemed like hundreds of other children, we, too, were American. No one cared that our 'Thank you' was said with an accent. No one cared that our Mama, in her babushka, could speak only a few words of English. Halloween was our holiday, as much as anyone else's."
~Notable Social Studies Trade Book for Young People for 2001
~the McNaughton List
~Teachers' Choice 2002 Award, Learning Magazine
"This gentle look at how immigrants feel about living in a new country also offers the message that communication and warmth among people can transcend language barriers. Morin's realistic illustrations perfectly combine elements of Russian culture with the mysterious moods of Halloween."
~Bina Williams, School Library Journal
". . .the tale is told without lecturing, and by the end, Anya and her mother are feeling more connected to the culture of their new home. Morin's restrained, realistic urban scenes give this a 1940s or early-1950s feel; it's definitely old-style Halloween, as the children's treats are all unpackaged goods. . .the holiday's controversial aspects are downplayed, and children who blithely assume that trick-or-treating is part of everyone's cultural heritage will get some food for thought."
~John Peters, Booklist
You can order your autographed copy of SHY MAMA'S HALLOWEEN from Annie Bloom's Books.
Additional Links:
The Historical Ellis Island
Ellis Island and Ellis Island Foundation
The Lower East Side Tenement Museum
Russian immigration
History of matryoshka (Russian nesting dolls)
~Notable Social Studies Trade Book for Young People for 2001
~the McNaughton List
~Teachers' Choice 2002 Award, Learning Magazine
"This gentle look at how immigrants feel about living in a new country also offers the message that communication and warmth among people can transcend language barriers. Morin's realistic illustrations perfectly combine elements of Russian culture with the mysterious moods of Halloween."
~Bina Williams, School Library Journal
". . .the tale is told without lecturing, and by the end, Anya and her mother are feeling more connected to the culture of their new home. Morin's restrained, realistic urban scenes give this a 1940s or early-1950s feel; it's definitely old-style Halloween, as the children's treats are all unpackaged goods. . .the holiday's controversial aspects are downplayed, and children who blithely assume that trick-or-treating is part of everyone's cultural heritage will get some food for thought."
~John Peters, Booklist
You can order your autographed copy of SHY MAMA'S HALLOWEEN from Annie Bloom's Books.
Additional Links:
The Historical Ellis Island
Ellis Island and Ellis Island Foundation
The Lower East Side Tenement Museum
Russian immigration
History of matryoshka (Russian nesting dolls)