Word Scramble | Story Detectives |
Shy Mama Trivia |
Coloring Page | Readers Write
Illustration by Leane Morin from Shy Mama's Halloween (Tilbury House, 2000) used by permission. |
Word Scramble
(some may be two word answers)
Unscramble these letters to
form words from Priscilla and the Hollyhocks
(witch, clown, princess, devil,
Dimitrii, Anya, Dasha, Irina, Rumanski, masks, Stefan,
Bertuccis, America, Russia)ITMIIRID, WOLNC, NAIRI, FENAST,
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Story Detectives
1) How do the front and back covers of the book show how Mama's attitude toward Halloween changes after she has gone trick-or-treating?
2) What symbols does the illustrator use to represent America and Russia?
3) What words or phrases does Anya use that show that English is not her first language?
4) What are the visual clues that Mama will end up wearing parts of the four children's costumes?
5) How are the various Halloween costumes illustrated in the book different from costumes American children wear today? How many different kinds of costumes can you find in the book? Would children today have similar costumes?
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Illustration by Leane Morin from Shy Mama's Halloween (Tilbury House, 2000) used by permission. |
Shy Mama Trivia:
True or False?
1) Leane Morin used friends and family members as models when she painted the characters in Shy Mama's Halloween. 2) An immigrant is a person who comes to make a permanent home in a new country. 3) Pyervova Maya is a Russian celebration of summer that begins on June 21st. 4) Mama's name is Svetlana. 5) In addition to publishing books for children like Shy Mama's Halloween Tilbury House publishes books about Canadian history. 6) Halloween is a holiday that originated with Celtic people in Ireland, Scotland, and England. 7) Longtime friends Leane Morin and Anne Broyles worked together to complete Shy Mama's Halloween before submitting it to Tilbury House for publication. 8) Between 1892 and 1954, 12 million people passed through America's Ellis Island immigration center in the New York Harbor. 9) The Russian holiday of Vas'movo is celebrated on January 7th. 10) Leane Morin researched Halloween decorations and costumes in order to make her paintings accurate. 11) Papa knew English from his job in Russia. 12) Russian nesting dolls are made of cedar wood. 13) Anne Broyles has Russian ancestors. 14) Trick-or-treating originated with Laplanders. 15) Children at the time the story takes place were given more homemade treats and few packaged candies when they went trick-or-treating.
Readers: If you make up a Shy Mama word puzzle, crossword, or other game, send it to me and I'll include it on the web site!
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<Back to top>Coloring Page
Click here
to view a coloring page for printing.
<Back to top> Readers Write (a
sampling of letters in original spelling/punctuation)
Dear Ms. Broyles,
How are you? I was going to ask you what you use to write on? Why did you want to be an author? Why did you pick that title? Did Shy Mama's Halloween happen in real life? I will like to be your friend, if you want to be my friend too. I didn't know you, but I know that we are going to be good frinds.
You friend, Kathy, Grade 3, Burbank Elementary School, Long Beach, CA
Dear Ms. Broyles, Gracias senora por ensenarnos muchas cosas. Yo queria que nos dijera como se hacen las munecas y los libros para que no se nos olvide de todas las preguntas que usted nos contesto.
Levi Viveros, Brightwood Elementary, Monterey Park, CA
Dear Anne Broyles, I thank you enormously for cordially visiting the fifth grade and granting us the fascinating knowledge of the process of bookmaking. You are an immensely talented author. The comical and intriguing story of "Your Ducky" was adorable! Many thanks!
Susan Keyl, 5th grade, St. Michael's Parish School, Tucson, AZ
Dear Ms. Broyles, How are you? I am well! Here are some questions I'd like to ask you. Why do you want to write books? How long does it take to make the book? Why did you want to make that kind of book? Did you like the book you made? You must like to be an author. You have a good book like Shy Mama's Halloween. Everyday you must want to make more good books. Did you know that our teacher read us one of your books. Thank you for making good books for me and other people.
Aijalon, Burbank Elementary School, Long Beach, CA
Dear Mrs. Broyles, Thank you for your book. I like Hollween because I like candies bust not too much candy. Last year I was Batman and Kevin Wong was Batman beyond he was almost the same as me. When I was five I got a lot of candy.
Kevin Kao, Granada School, Alhambra, CA
Dear Mrs. Broyles, We really enjoyed your beautiful story, Shy Mama's Halloween. You are a wonderful author. I like reading book's a lot. I read at home school, afterschool, and my grandma's house. I was thinking to be an artist but I want to be a vet too.
Jahzeel Karen Dias, Whittier School, Costa Mesa, CA
Dear Anne Broyles,
I really enjoyed writing our own stories and using the sheet to come up with them. It was really interesting. Your book is really great, and I hope you will be successful with your other books as well. I would like my mother to read it, too. I hope you keep on writing children's books!
Caitlin Garber, Tucson, AZ
Thank you for the great story. My class really liked it. You wrote a very nice book about Halloween. I liked the part at the end when mama smiles because she liked Halloween.
Jack. PS1 Elementary, Santa Monica, CA
Dear Ms. Broyles, Thank you so much for coming to my classroom. I really liked your book called Shy Mama's Halloween. It must have took a month to make it. You could make a whole series of Shy Mama books.
Nicky, Red Hill Elementary, Tustin, CA
Thank you for coming to our class and telling us how a book is made. I never knew that hard cover books are sewn together. What inspired you to write Shy Mama's Halloween? I like Shy Mama's Halloween. Why do you like cursive handwriting?
E.J. Urzua, Whittier School, Costa Mesa, CA
Dear Ms. Broyles,
Thank you for coming to Whittier School. I liked your books a lot. Do you have any children? Are you married? I liked how your friend drew the pictures. Where do you live? Do you like being an author? My best friends are Shantelle, Vanessa, Gabriela, Thelma, and Elizabeth. How do you do the books? Which book is your favorite?
Beatriz Madrigal, Finley Elementary, Westminster, CA
Dear Anne,
I really liked your book. I am the one who told you that I was an author. I just finished a book called, The Little Shy Boy. I started it yesterday and finished it today. But that reminds me—I think your book is great! I'm curious what your next book will be. My next book will be, Daniel's Big Adventure. I have not started it yet but I'll start it after school!
Nicolas, PS1 Elementary School, Santa Monica, CA
Dear Anne Broyles,
Thank you so much for talking to us about your book. I really enjoyed meeting a real live author! Your work really inspired me. Thank you so much for taking time out of your day to come and visit us. The process of making a book takes a long time! Thanks for showing us how. The glitter pen you used to sign our books was really neat. Thanks again!
Alissa Wolkin, 5th grade, St. Michael's Parish School, Tucson, AZ
Dear Ms. Broyles,
Is it fun to be an author? Why did you pick this career? I read your story Shy Mama's Halloween. It was terrific! I am trying to make a book too called the Five Little Puppies. It is hard, so I want to ask you to give me some ideas. I hope you like my letter!
Alan, Burbank Elementary School, Long Beach, CA
Dear Anne,
Thank you for inspiring me to think about creating a series of short books about the main character, the teenage girl who can turn into a cat.
Samantha, St. Michael's Parish School, Tucson, AZ
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