Young readers enjoy Priscilla's story. |
Anne with Priscilla and the Hollyhocks Illustrator, Anna Alter. |
Anne and Anna sign books at Wellesley Booksmith. |
Anne in her hollyhock garden, 2007. |
Anne with Shy Mama's Halloween illustrator, Leane Morin. |
Anne at Once Upon a Time Books, Montrose, California. |
Anne's Family, Prince Edward Island, 1995, dressed up like cowboys and saloon girls. |
Anne's Family, Boston, 2005. |
Anne's Family, January, 2008 in Cesky Krumlov, Czech Republic on a COLD day. |
Young author of A SPELLING BEE ON SLATES (work written in Anne's Residency in Writing Historical Fiction). |
Young author of WHAT WILL WE DO WITHOUT PAPA? (work written in Anne's Residency in Writing Historical Fiction). |
Young author of THE MEAN CARLINES' CHANGE (work written in Anne's Residency in Writing Historical Fiction). |
Young author of A NEW FRIEND (work written in Anne's Residency in Writing Historical Fiction). |
Young author of WHEN IT HAPPENED (work written in Anne's Residency in Writing Historical Fiction). |
Young author of ELIZABETH ROSE LOVEJOY: THE STORY OF AN ABNORMAL SLAVE (work written in Anne's Residency in Writing Historical Fiction). |
Young author of LIFE IS TOUGH (work written in Anne's Residency in Writing Historical Fiction). |
Young author of THE STORY OF TOM PAULER (work written in Anne's Residency in Writing Historical Fiction) with Anne. |
Anne's Rising River critique group: writers Diane Davis, Renee Leverrier, Tricia Orr (and special guest, Elsie the dog). |
Anne with her Boxford critique group: writers Kathleen Benner Duble, Donna McCardle, Marcia Strykowski at the 2008 New England SCBWI Conference. |
Anne with Boxford Academy students. |
Belmont Picture Book Festival: Anne, Timothy Basil Ering, and James Kaczman. |
Enthusiastic about books! |
The first group to hear Priscilla’s story and try out Priscilla and the Hollyhocks Jeopardy. |
Lucky winner of a copy of Priscilla and the Hollyhocks! |
Anne listening to a young reader at Jamaicaway Books. |
Anne relaxing on a hike in Ramsey Canyon, Arizona. |